Frequently asked questions

Any puncture between 3.5 – 5 mm can be sealed with the plug, providing that the hole has been reamed to ensure it is the same size as the plug.

Providing that the hole has been correctly prepared and the rim tape remains undamaged, the plug should last the lifetime of the tyre.

The SWORD is designed to fit handlebars with interior diameter of 16-20 mm.

Yes, the reamer plays an important part in preparing the tyre correctly. If the hole is not reamed to be the same size as the plug, tyre damage can occur when forcing the plug in.

Yes, it is still recommended to use liquid sealant in your tyre.

That is up to you – if you are in a hurry, there is no need, the plug will flatten between the tyre treads. If you have time and would prefer a neater look, it is fine to trim the plug ends.

We recommend inserting the reamer at a shallow angle to prevent this. If you are unsure of the technique, please have a look at one of our videos.

No, it is not a good idea to force the fork open. The plug end can be flattened between your fingers which makes it easier to insert, or you can trim the plug end at an angle with scissors.

Yes it is safe – all sharp objects are contained in the handlebars of your bike, you won’t even know it is there. The components should be inserted with a twist to fit snugly and will not fall out.

The Reamer weighs approximately 12g and the fork 10g.

If kept in the sheets, and not exposed to too much dust, the plugs stay sticky for years.

Ask at your local bike shop – if they don’t stock it, ask them to give us a call! For a list of our international distributers, please check out our Distributors Page

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If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, please contact us